If you often find yourself entering the land of wizardy, leaving the muggle world behind, then you’ll understand how important your spells are. With so many spells, it’s difficult to remember your Expecto Patronum from your Expelliarmus. Trying to recall them all off the top of your head is sometimes trickier than finding a Horcrux in a haystack 😉
The Magic Notebook wouldn’t look out of place in Hogwarts and is an ideal place for all your notes, calculations and potion recipes. With 90 sheets of spellbound A5 paper, there is plenty of room for every spell known to wizard kind. Just don’t forget to cast your Aparecium spell to stop unwanted eyes reading your notes! Each page has easy to understand spell movements at the bottom and you even get a magic wand pencil specially designed with engrained magic abilities, so you can keep adding more and more tricks and incantations.
Making a great novelty gift for your young witches and wizards, but beware of the secrets that lie within.